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Join the BCC

Why Join the British Caravanners Club?


We are a dedicated section to the caravanning fraternity. We feel our size is a major benefit. Whilst we are big enough for outside organisations to take us seriously, we are also small enough that you are not just another face in the crowd. Come along to some of our meets and see how everyone seems to know everyone else, its a real family feeling.

We have our own programme of meets comprising over 1000 weekend meets, 5 night meets and temporary holiday sites (THS's) throughout the year. At many of our rallies some kind of entertainment will be provided by the members, although we also have a great many 'free and easy' weekends where relaxation is the key! At the start of each year we send you a book detailing every one of them through to next year, a great tool for forward planning your journeys.

We also send out our very own magazine 'Caravanning' three times a year which contains articles submitted by each of our Area Chairmen and our members.

But how much does all this cost ?

As long as your a member of The Camping and Caravanning Club, it costs just £6.00 per year.

Simply complete our membership form below


If you are not currently a member of The Camping and Caravanning Club, please visit


Join the British Caravanners Club

Thank you for your application this will now be processed, and our book shall be with you in the next 21 working days.

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